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La Colònia de l'Arnau II
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Principal / Líquens / 300 lichens, the challenge becomes more exciting

300 lichens, the challenge becomes more exciting

300 lichens, the challenge becomes more exciting

Image Details

Descripción: Picture taken on the 29th April 2007 near Aiguatebia, Capcir, France, on granite, near the road, 1.700 m altitude.

In the picture there are the following species:

- Candelariella vitellina parasited by Carbonea vitellinaria.
- Caloplaca holocarpa
- Acarospora fuscata
- Porpidia macrocarpa
- Lecanora polytropa var. alpigena parasited by Carbonea supersparsa (second time mentioned for Catalonia; the first by myself at Les Agudes, Montseny.
- Rhizoplaca peltata

The target continues (1000 lichen pictures). Is it feasible for Catalonia ?

Dr. Xavier Llimona in the book related to mushrooms and lichens, "Historia Natural" of Catalonia, estimates 1.250 different lichens for our Flora and probably there are more in the Biodiversity Data Base for Catalonia.

Clauzade & Roux have described approximately 3.000 lichens for Europe.

In very rich lichen places, with good professional lichenologists and many first-rate amateur naturalists, local floras have arrived to more than 1.500 especies (Scottland (1.950), Germany, Bayern (1.537), Baden-Württember (1550)).

Some Spanish lichenologists consider feasible to arrive to 1.500 species in their area of study, Dr. J. Etayo in Navarra, Drs T.Azuara & M. Gomez-Bolea in Andorra.

From a practical point of view, the international official achievements for Spain are as follows:

Lichens for Community:

Madrid - 129
Castile-La Mancha 225
Castile-Leon 512
Aragon 241
Cantabria 459
The rest still pending

As you could see, 300 lichens in Digitalnatura with the respective pictures is not a bad achievement.

I'm fully convinced that before two years time we will exceed 1.000 different species for Catalonia, and it is posible for a first-rate amateur naturalist to arrive to more than 1.500 only for the Oriental Pyrenees.

The second target now is fiability and to look periodically over the existing species to amend any potential mistakes.

The best you could do for that virtual flora is to correct any potential mistake.

The challenge has only started.

Armand Tomás Vidal

Nikon Coolpix 4.500

Autoeye, PH and HTLM Editor
Fecha: 13.05.2007 18:00
Impactos: 2055
Descargas: 0
Puntuación: 0.00 (0 Votos)
Tamaño de archivo: 76.9 KB
Envíado por: atomasvidal
Palabras clave: Lichens, Aiguatebia, Capcir, Oriental, Pyrenees, France, granite, Candelariela, vitelina, Carbonia, vitellinaria, Cakoplaca, holocarpa, Acarospora, fuscata, Porpidia, macrocarpa, Lecanora, polytropa, Rhizoplaca, peltata.

Prodigy 4image Theme by Moxet Khan


Autor: Comentario:
Francesc Baldrís

Fecha de alta: 29.04.2005
Comentarios: 16028
Moltes felicitats

per l'assoliment de les 300 espècies de líquens, per l'enorme esforç i la qualitat de la feina realitzada i per les ganes de continuar !!! Endavant !!!
14.05.2007 07:47 Offline Francesc Baldrís fbaldris at