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400 lichen pictures and going on

400 lichen pictures and going on

Image Details

Descripción: 400 pictures and more than 400 species in "the virtual lichen guide" represent a great effort for an "amateur naturalist", but the challenge continues with astonishing results.

In one year time, there have been more than 70.000 lichen pageload visits.

Thanks to all professionals trying to disciplinate and help me in my lichen adventure. I have been forced to update my educational knowledge (not only lichens, but organic chemistry, chromatography, genetics). Thanks for your patience and your day to day advice.

However, I have to insist you all about the need of ammending any potential mistakes. A lot of people is currently using "the virtual lichen guide" and I remind you that I consider myself an amateur naturalist.

What is a terrific real fact is that maybe a simple visual document in internet has 100 % more divulgative effectiveness than the best lichen book written in esperanto.

Armand Tomás Vidal

Picture taken at Puigmal, French border.

Nikon Coolpix 4.500.

PH and HTLM Editor
Fecha: 01.12.2007 15:19
Impactos: 1220
Descargas: 0
Puntuación: 0.00 (0 Votos)
Tamaño de archivo: 72.0 KB
Envíado por: atomasvidal
Palabras clave: Lichens, liquenes, Flechten, Catalonia, Catalogne, Catalunya, virtual, lichen, flora

Prodigy 4image Theme by Moxet Khan


Autor: Comentario:

Fecha de alta: 28.08.2005
Comentarios: 369

celebro molt aquesta arribada als 400, en una labor que a mi em sembla titánica, de fotografiar i descriure tal quantitat de liquens. ánim i endevant, que ja en queden,je.

I think, you are a great amateur naturalist.

...precios, aquest colorit mosaic sobre pedra.

salutacions i fins aviat.
01.12.2007 19:58 Offline rcasafont rcasafont77 at
Pere Tuset

Fecha de alta: 23.08.2004
Comentarios: 756
Felicidades Armand

Mi mas sincera felicitacion por haber llegado a la captura 400 de liquens.

Enhorabuena ya falta menos.

01.12.2007 20:12 Offline Pere Tuset tusetvp at

Fecha de alta: 23.08.2004
Comentarios: 58

I believe that 400 lichen-related pictures are a great achievement for DigitalNatura.Org and the research comunity around the world, but specially for you; for your patiente and dedication with both this webpage and your passion: nature and photography.

Again, congratulations for this achievement... but don't forget that you have to reach the thousand!

Greetings from Germany,

02.12.2007 09:17 Offline Administrador pere at
Francesc Baldrís

Fecha de alta: 29.04.2005
Comentarios: 16027
Moltes felicitats

Has assolit una fita impressionant amb un esforç i dedicació realment titànics i amb una qualitat excel·lent. Com diu l'Administrador ara a pels 1000 !!!
02.12.2007 20:09 Offline Francesc Baldrís fbaldris at

Imagen anterior:
Solorina saccata
Siguiente imagen:
Acarospora fuscata