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Arc de Sant Martí

Arc de Sant Martí
Comentarios: 2 Francesc Baldrís

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Principal / Líquens / Leptogium burguesii, Lepraria sp and Belonia nidarosiensis ?

Leptogium burguesii, Lepraria sp and Belonia nidarosiensis ?

Leptogium burguesii, Lepraria sp and Belonia nidarosiensis ?

Image Details

Descripción: Picture taken on the 1st March 2008 at Villa Joana, Vallvidrera, Barcelona, Catalonia, on constructive bricks, a very wet place.

Leptogium burgesii is a foliose lichen , gelatinous,small and numerous lobes, and apothecia with squamulous rim, disc from red to dark brown, almost red.

It is a lichen of Atlantic climates and it is not normal finding it in the Mediterranean area. The reason of its presence is the waters coming from the roof of Villa Joana and the humidity in place.

Good image in one of my first lichen books:

Pag. 64 F. Brightman and B. Nicholson (1977) Guía de campo de las plantas sin flores. Edit. Omega.

If Belonia nidorosiensis is present , it is in a very incipient stage. A lot of times, it is not recognized due to the same colour of the brick.

See Alan Silverside's Lichen Pages

Armand Tomás Vidal
Fecha: 06.03.2008 20:33
Impactos: 1576
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Tamaño de archivo: 77.8 KB
Envíado por: atomasvidal
Palabras clave: Lichens, liquenes, liquens, Flechten, Leptogium, burguesii, Lepraria, crassissima, Belonia, nidarosiensis, Villa, Joana, Vallromanes, Barcelona, Catalonia.

Prodigy 4image Theme by Moxet Khan


Autor: Comentario:
Francesc Baldrís

Fecha de alta: 29.04.2005
Comentarios: 16027
Molt interessant

Molt interessant la raó de que una espècie atlàntica es trobi en llocs mediterranis.
07.03.2008 06:51 Offline Francesc Baldrís fbaldris at

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